How to load up speed of wordpress blog or website?

You must have known that how fast speed and page load time is important in the WordPress blog and what is the reason that the speed of opening of your blog and website works, in such a way, I guarantee you that you will tell me tips right now. Which will be helpful for you and help in speeding up the website, then know how to increase the speed of WordPress blog.

1. Use Lightweight WordPress Theme

There should be a Lite Theme on your blog that works on minimum Scripts because the main role in speeding up the speed of the website is your WordPress Theme, so select the good and Lightweight Framework, use only fast and minimal themes on your WordPress blog. The main thing to do will be that for which you will not have to worry too much about speed.
Bloggers always use the heavy WordPress theme to make the website looking good. They do not pay any attention to Web Speed Optimize, in such a way, the speed of the blog is bound to decrease, I will recommend you to use the Genesis Framework and if you do not buy the theme If you can, please mail me the themes.

2. Reduce Size of Images for Speed

Using images of more size in the blog will take more time for the loading speed of your blog and the opening of the website, so it is very important to keep the size of the images in mind, it is better to at least add photos to the blog and whatever photos You have done it in the blog, their size is reduced, there are many tools which reduces the size of your photos without degrading the quality of the image.
TinyPNG: This is a website that reduces your image size online, image quality also remains, so you can use WordPress Speed Up in your blog.
WP Smush Plugin: This is a WordPress plugin that works both free or premium so it can reduce the images size reduce which will make the website opening speed fast.
Among friends, I use TinyPng which is a very good service and is also free, you will also ask to use it and make the website speed good.

3. Install WordPress Caching Plugin

It is very important for every WordPress site to have a good plugin to accept a good cache, why the Cache Plugin saves all the pages of your website as a cache and when a user comes to your website, the pages are saved from them. It does not load on the database, it also improves the speed of your website.
This does not load much on your Web Hosting and it will also make a difference in User Experience and Google Ranking as this plugin has the ability to delete Unuseal Cache Data, although there are many plugins but I am giving list of some Useful Cache Plugin.
WP Rocket (Paid) – It not only controls the cache but is also the best tool to improve the speed of your website, whose prize is $ 49 for 1 year, it gives you all the features to manage Cache File so that it is the most Counts in a good Caching Plugin.
WP Total Cache (Free) – If you do not want to take Premium Service, you are looking for a plugin to control the cache, it is absolutely free and you will like its features, it is Effective WordPress Caching Plugin.

4. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

What is a CDN and how and why should a CDN be used? If you use Indian Hosting and one of your visitors visits your website from Visitor America, then according to Geographical Locations, it is Served Data, in this your website will be very slow loading in other country, any web hosting, its speed And the load will make a difference.
CDN means Content Delivery Network, it works worldwide, after which the speed of your website will be fast because if someone opens your website in America, then the data will be served from it from America itself, which will greatly increase the loading speed of your website. Speed will make a difference.
For CDN you can use CloudFlare, MaxCDN, Amazon CloudFront, KeyCDN this is CDN Service.

5. Make Clean And Fast Loader Homepage

The main page and homepage of the website needs to be fast because when the user opens your website, then the User Experience and the speed of your website will make it fast, then he will like your website and will read the website and if the main page of your WordPress blog If it loads slowly then the user will leave your website at the same time, how to make the website homepage fast loading?
  • Use at least Widgets on the homepage and remove the useless Widgets.
  • Keep the size of the featured image low which will reduce the webpage load
  • Reduce the size of the website logo, because many bloggers set the HD logo, which has a larger size.
  • Show 5-7 posts on the homepage
  • Design a website’s custom front page and design with low JavaScripts and CSS
  • Do not show more ads on the website homepage

6. Minify HTML, CSS and JavaScript

WordPress works on CSS and JavaScript and if the size of your Theme CSS and JS File is high and it is not optimized at all, then your blog will be slow, tighten and removes white-space, Strips Comments, Combines Files, in JavaScript. Tighten making and optimizing / shortens it by removing and minimizing juscript. You will get many websites so that you can reduce the size of your WordPress heavy loaded file.
For example, you have to cheat Css and java-scripts by going to Appearance> Editor, and you have to Minify and Replaced them from the below given websites, so that you can make Speed Fast of your blog if you are not getting it for this. You can also easily Minify them using Autoptimize WordPress Plugin.

7. Optimize Your WordPress Database

The reason for the speed of the WordPress blog may also be that your website database is not optimized, in such a situation, in order to speed up the WordPress blog, you have to load the database free, when we write a post, its revisions, trashed Spam Comments, Trashed Posts, Optimize Data Tables and Pingbacks and Trackbacks Data are saved in your Cpanel, Scripts are not completely removed from Cpanel even if you did a Theme and Plugin.
This affects your blog’s performance, so you have some plugins that are helpful in this and from that you can remove Unnecessary Data (EG Trashed / Unapproved / Spam Comments, Stale Data) from your website’s database, for this You can remove garbage from the database by using plugins like WP-Optimize, WP-DBManager and WP-Sweep, but take care to use the plugin carefully.

8.Disable Hot-Linking and Leeching

Hotlinking is also called Bandwidth’s thief because this theft occurs when someone uses your website’s images on another website, so whenever the site and images show up, then its full load will go to your web hosting, so your hosting If it is affected, then we say Hotlinking, you can reduce this load by Disabled Hotlinking, this will also affect the loading speed of your blog.
How to Disabled Hotlinking in WordPress Blog, First of all, you should tell me that you can do it from WP Dashboard and cPanel, then to do it from the SPANEL, go to cPanel> File Manager> Public_Html or if you are using YoastSEO then Dashboard> Go to SEO> Tools> File Editer, go to .htaccess and paste the below given code in the last and save it

9. Disable or Adjust Gravatar Images

If you want to make your WordPress blog clean and minimal, then for that you will have to adjust and fix the Gravatar Images of the comments because if there are many comments in your blog post, then Gravatar Images will speed up your blog, in this way it is better for you Disable your Gravatar Images, how to hide Gravatar Images?
Add the below given Php code to the last of the function.Php file of your blog and save it so that it will hide Gravatar Images from your comments and will not be from anywhere, if you do not want to have Gravatar Images then you You can reduce the size.

10. Control Post Revisions

WordPress has made useful features for us but this reduces the speed of our blog, when we write a post, WordPress keeps copying it as Post Revisions, which is useful for backing up our posts, Every time we save a post, it creates a Post Revisions, but after the post is pulished, those Post Revisions do not work in any of your work and slow down the speed of your blog, so how to remove Post Revisions
For this you use WP-Optimize plugin or you edit WP-Config.php file from cPanel and add the code below to the last and then save
In this way, you can optimize the speed of your WordPress blog up to 40% and your blog will become fast and responsive, because it is important to know how important it is to have a good speed of the blog.
In this article today, you must have learned how to make Speed Fast Loading of WordPress Blog and how to Speed Up WordPress Blog, if your WordPress blog is too slow, my tips mentioned above will prove to be very helpful for you and with which WordPress Blog Boost the speed of the blog by optimizing
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